I’ve had this site since the mid-90s and it has seen several iterations. Recently it was hacked and it has provided me with an opportunity to reconsider. Over this is time, I’ve also had almost a dozen other sites that I have started with much more focus. Each was devoted to a topic and I had big hopes. I had/have a strong interest in the topics, so it should have been easy. But because I focus intently on what I do daily (I like my job and love my family)  the sites quickly floundered. As I told my students years ago at Auburn, if I ever require my students to call me Dr. Schwager they had my permission to kick  me. I was then and will always be Paul. Realizing this is quite freeing and that’s what the new iteration of this site will be about. Things that interest me. You can expect fairly regular posts that are of interest to me. My interests are pretty well-defined and I think some might find them interesting as well. They primarily focus on three topics: Leadership, Technology, &  Higher Education. But I think you will find a common thread in all three, it’s how each can help make us better.

My goal is to post a couple of times a week on these topics. I am looking forward to an engaged 2013.

Progress not Perfection.


photo credit: wili_hybrid via photopin cc